Saturday, January 12, 2013

End of Guns, Germs, and Steel.

We are finally finished with the Guns, Germs, and Steel videos! We started yesterday’s portion by re-watching the part that shows all of the different types of animals just so we could have the privilege of seeing the Jesus Christ lizard run across the water again. After satisfying our Jesus lizard needs again, we continued where we left off at the Mesopotamian villages which are long since abandoned. Friday’s portion consisted of some very fascinating facts. For example, we learned that the inhabitants of the Fertile Crescent were not only the first to move to a concept of home, beyond it just being a place to sleep every night, but they also were the first to really decorate their homes. This would make logical sense since many other civilizations at the time were wanderers. Another fun fact that we learned on Friday was that if you take any two points generally along the same line of latitude, those two places will have about the same climate and day night intervals. For example, look at the Fertile Crescent. They had the necessities to sustain a more advanced nation, and if you look at other ancient civilizations (i.e. Rome, Egypt, or Greece) they all were located at about the same latitude, so many places along those particular lines of latitude, also had what they needed.

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