Saturday, December 15, 2012


On Friday, in Human Geography class, Mr. Schick reverted back to teaching us again. On top of that he also finished the exam review with us. Since we don’t have class again before exams, I think that it is appropriate to devise a prayer for exams. How does “Lord next week we have exams, help us pass without a peek,” sound. Mr. Schick was also, dong his best to make sure that we were ready for his exam, by telling us exactly how many questions are on the exam for each concept as well as what the short answers would be. For today’s review, we picked up right where Ben left off and started with Religion. We also covered World leaders and Economic Geography as well. Although we might not of gone over each individual piece of material, Mr. Schick still effectively helped us figure out exactly what we would need to study to prepare for his exam properly. Also, since this will be our last BLOG before Christmas, and possibly our last BLOG for the year depending on our teacher next semester, I would like to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I would also like to add that I am lucky enough to be in your Western Civilization class next semester.

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