Friday, August 31, 2012


Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class we began class by discussing the terms that we were asked to look up for yesterday’s blog. Also as we discussed the terms Mr. Schick would provide us with more background on the term or event. For example when we got to the death of Socrates, Mr. Schick told us the full story of how he died. In Athens, Socrates was very respected and liked. Though as there were more scientific breakthroughs made, Socrates was charged with blasphemy to the Greek gods and corrupting the children of Athens. During his trial, he defended himself by saying that Athens was a big lazy horse and he was the horsefly. Socrates ended his defense with the fact that he thought that not only did he think that he shouldn’t be killed, but he should actually get free meals for the rest of his life because in his eyes Socrates thought that he did Athens a service. In the end Socrates, was sentenced to death by drinking hemlock which is a very deadly poison and causes a quick and very painful death. At the end of class today we were informed by Mr. Schick that we would be assigned our first assessment which would be “take home” and consist of three essays.    

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