Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 1

Today for August twenty-seventh’s class, we started class with “This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad.” After prayer, we were assigned new seats for class. Then Mr. Schick informed us about the blogs and his expectations and guidelines concerning the completion of the blogs. In addition to this, we also reviewed the 2012 class syllabus which contained information detailing the class and the grading scale and information on where to find Mr. Schick if we needed assistance from him or if we need to speak with him about making up work in the event that we are sick or cannot otherwise make class due to conflicts with sports or other appointments. Once we completed this task, the class had down time while Mr. Schick gave a helping hand to students struggling with tablet issues. After the end of class, I spoke with Mr. Schick for help with getting to the correct website to ensure that he is able to grade the assignment and to prevent me from getting penalized with unnecessary point deductions.

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