Thursday, August 30, 2012

Letter to Garcia

Compared to yesterday’s class today was much more eventful and we also learned a lot more as well. For starters, Mr. Schick bribed us to ask/answer questions with donuts. He also read a story written by Elbert Hubbard called A Message to Garcia. The story was about a guy named Rowan who delivered a letter to Garcia for President McKinley with no questions asked regarding is location or anything. The whole purpose of the story was to be a pep talk to America addressing the people who are minimalists and try to do the least work possible. Elbert stressed this with acronyms with a person sitting in their office and ask a clerk to look something up in an encyclopedia. With this acronym, the clerk would ask you a whole bunch of questions about why it’s important or why he should do it and once you answer his questions he’ll just ask another clerk to do it whereas the person who his like rowan would just do it.      

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