Thursday, October 11, 2012


Today in Human Geography class with Mr. Schick, we presented our presentations that we created through Google on the Native Americans, the Vikings, or Christopher Columbus. After hearing the Columbus presentation, I doubt that one would wish to hang with Columbus if they knew that he raped some of the natives, cut off their hands, and enslaved the “Indians.” I mean really compared to the Native Americans and the Vikings you would think that Christopher Columbus was more intent on conquering a world that they knew almost nothing about the combat skills of the natives then actually trading with them like he was hired to do. What if he actually had landed in India? What would that do to their relationship? I will bet Christopher Columbus never thought of that? Did he? In fact the Vikings, the big ferocious conquering warriors, treated the Americas better than Columbus did. Now grant it, the Vikings did land on an arctic tundra that nobody could live in, so maybe it really is not that great of a comparison. Still, I doubt the Vikings would have committed atrocities such as that. I mean they probably would have burned some villages and looted them, so I guess it’s your pick; being raped, enslaved, and having your hands cut off, or killed.

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