Thursday, October 11, 2012

Cultural Characteristics

The date is the eleventh of October in the year 2012, and it is another exciting edition of Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class. Today, Mr. Schick our host (teacher) had his class, section two Human Geography, finish the presentation on Christopher Columbus then we got to the main portion of class (drum roll please) soda, or is it pop… no coke. I don’t know call it what you wish, but the lesson was still on what different counties call soda, pop, or coke. Actually, it wasn’t, it was about Cultural Characteristics and the difference in various cultures and what makes up a culture. Some components to a culture are its language, religion and ethnic heritage. For example, Canada speaks both French and English. However English is dominant in most provinces. However, French is the dominant language in Quebec and caused their government to want to succeed from Canada and become its own country. In Sweden, they speak several languages and it does not cause any troubles between the people.

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