Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Crazy Day

Wow! What a day today! First off we had a weird schedule to begin with the whole “bomb threat” thing. Then, we had the lockdown mode in mod 1 which was followed by students going to their mods 2-3 classes before advisory where we had an evacuation drill. Also, there were no bells to signal the start of the next mod. Our schedule was normal once we got to mod 5, except for our Human Geography class. We had a weird Human Geography class today, because we had class in room 321 instead of room 113 like we normally have it. Then Mr. Schick did not show and we had to have a substitute. To make things even weirder, we did not have a test today, like Mr. Schick said we would. Instead we were given an assignment in which we had to come up with 15 items that we thought might show up on the test which we will have next class period. A day like this is bound to get people mixed-up (which it did).

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