Monday, October 8, 2012

Columbus Day presentation.

Pop quiz: “Who was the first European to discover America?”

A)     Marco Polo

B)      Christopher Columbus

C)      The Vikings

D)     None of the above

E)      All of the above

If this was history class, your answer was probably B) Christopher Columbus. Also, if this were a History course, which it’s not, you would be right too. If you used that knowledge to answer this question, I have one thing to say to you, “WRONG SIR!!!” What your History teachers probably failed to bestow upon you is that Christopher Columbus discovered NOTHING!!! For starters, the Vikings beat Columbus by at least 500 years. Second, it was already found and inhabited long before the Vikings got there. Thirdly, he thought he landed in India. Have been wondering why the Native Americans are commonly called Indians? Well there’s your answer. Thus, if Christopher Columbus is to be renowned for anything, it’s the atrocities he committed against the natives. I will bet you never knew that he cut off their hands and enslaved them back in Europe now did you? I thought so. Now who’s the great explorer that we celebrate the discovery of our continent on Columbus Day?  

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