Saturday, November 10, 2012

Another World Leaders Quiz

On Friday, November 9, 2012, in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class, we had another quiz. For this quiz, it was front and back. The front part was identical to our last quiz, in which we had to match the leader to the corresponding country. The second part, which was on the back, was also matching, only this time instead of matching the leader to the country, we were expected to be able to match the leader with their description. For example, we had to match Barack Obama with “This week I was elected to a second term.” One other question was matching Dilma Rousseff with the description that referred to being tortured with the infamous “parrot perch.” I think that I got a 100% on the front but I don’t believe I did as well on the back. Mr. Schick was also nice enough to let us use our BLOGs if we chose to.   

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