Thursday, November 15, 2012

independence discussion

Today, in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class today, we discussed the BLOG assignment that we were given last night about nations’ independence and there beginnings as well as where in the world they are. Mr. Schick also planted a seed in us so that we can make a world where we are one of the world’s richest nations because we are a lead oil producer and we don’t even need any of it because we have other means of producing energy such as wind, water and the sun. Right now, we are nowhere near that goal because we are the number one oil consumer in the world so instead of working on getting our nation to be dependent upon an alternate source of energy instead of oil. Also, we have Saudi Arabia to worry about as well since they are currently the world’s leading oil producing nation, and they didn’t even know they had oil a couple decades ago when they were a really poor nation who thought that they didn’t have anything.

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