Monday, November 12, 2012

No More Hu Jokes!!!

It was my turn to suffer the severe humiliation of which can be inflicted by Mr. Schick in the event of the mispronunciation of a world leader’s name. Today, I was forced to say Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. In order to drill the correct pronunciation into my head, Mr. Schick made me say it one syllable at a time, like this ma – mood – ach – ma – dine – jad. Then he made me put it all together, then repeat the process until I correctly pronounced the name. Some sad news, however, we shall no longer be able to make Hu Jintao jokes in class because Hu Jintao is no longer the president of China…and Hu is not his successorL. We are very upset about this because you could go all day without the Hu joke getting old. I mean really we would crack the joke every single time that Hu’s name came up in class. We also got our quizzes back as well. Sadly, I got a 73%.   

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