Sunday, September 2, 2012

Essay 2

One day after school, it was a wonderfully sunshiny day, I was walking along and I noticed someone different walking toward me in the opposite direction. As I drew nearer, I noticed that the stranger held a striking resemblance to Socrates. As we come within speaking distance I say to him “You know you remind me of someone.” The man replied “Really, who?” I answered him with “I suppose you have probably heard of Socrates from ancient Greece, that’s who.” Then I received an answer that I never expected. “Well, that would most likely be because I am Socrates.” I decided to ask him “What do you think of today’s society?” Socrates answered “Well, that would be a rather difficult question considering the fact that I just arrived here.” I replied “Well, then in that case you want to stay at my house for a bit so you can have a taste of what American society is like in 2012 A.D.” Socrates said “That sounds good to me especially since I won’t have a place to stay tonight, as long as your parents are alright with that.” It was decided that Socrates would stay for a few days before getting him on his way. During his stay at my home, Socrates found that he liked things such as that democracy was being used in other nations even in the far future. He also found that he was not in agreement with other aspects of American society such as the fact that people were influenced a lot by the media.

Then a few days after the departure of Socrates, I discovered that Elbert Hubbard had also visited the present via the time vortex. I figured that this would be a perfect opportunity to get the rest of my second essay for Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class complete. After going through a similar dialogue that I went through with Socrates, Elbert found himself wishing to broadcast his “A Message to Garcia” to the nation since he discovered that today’s society has become incredibly lazy due to technology.

1 comment:

  1. I love the creative approach you took here! I'm really looking forward to reading more of your writing. Keep up the great work! 25/25.
