Thursday, September 20, 2012

Presentation Day

Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class, we started our presentations that we made yesterday about the country that we were assigned. Today’s presentations were about Germany, India, Indonesia, and Nigeria. I thought that these presentations were very useful because we not only heard the statistics for each country, but we also discussed exactly what each statistic, such as net migration rate, meant and how it relates to figuring out how developed a country is and how much their economy is thriving. For example, the group that had Germany added in obesity in addition to the list of stats that Mr. Schick gave us to include. When this came up in the Germany presentation, Mr. Schick told us how when he went to France for a John Carroll trip he did not see any fat people and that basically every French person was somewhat trimmed. As he was recounting this story to us, I looked up the U.S’s rank in the world for obesity. In my searching, I found that our country is number six in the world for number of fat people. I also found it interesting that, in the time that I have spent analyzing the World Fact Book, I noticed that the CIA left out the crime rate for nations.

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